Shipping Information


For deliveries abroad, customs duties, taxes and fees may apply, which are not included in the total price shown.


Standard and premium shipping insured shipping with DHL:

nat. Germany

Free shipping for small quantities up to 110 grams shipping weight (limited to 1 order per person per day), for example a soap or shea cream, a deodorant, a small fragrance, or a small test package, will be displayed in the checkout.

110 g up to a weight of 3 KG 4.90 euros

from 3 kg Calculate and display the shipping costs in the checkout as soon as the shipping address is entered.

Free shipping for orders over 350 euros.


Zone 1 and 2 - EU (depending on weight from €13.90 for EU): Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, San Marino, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Vatican City, Czech Republic)

Europe Non-EU (depending on weight from 17,90): Switzerland, Liechtenstein

Zone 3 EU/ NON EU depending on weight from 14,90

World - NON EU (displayed depending on weight in checkout)

Zone 4 - 6 (outside Europe - all other countries